calinca data
Calinca flowchart Download entities list
number of numerical entities: 26
the size of the numeric table: 688644 rows
number of categorical entities: 24
the size of the categorical table: 729716 rows


At the top of the page, on a blue background information about the data is displayed.
Name of data,number of entities with numerical and categorical value type,table size with numerical values and table size with categorical values.

The bar also contains a button that can be used to download a file with names of all entities and their descriptions.

Description of each entity is also visible as a tooltip when you move the mouse over the entity.

The numerical and categorical tables in the database look like in the picture below. They contain only three columns: Transcript_ID, Key and Value.

Data filtering
It is possible to filter the data. When you select a filter, it will be applied to every tab. For example If we select filters like the following:

Then only those Transcript_ID where 'Boerries_et_al_2013.enriched is yes' and Conservation by.GenderOrder is no' will be taken into account in subsequent actions.
Example result for barchart

In parentheses it is also visible how many filters have been applied.

Explanation of the tabs:
Table browser,Basic Stats, Scatter Plot, Barchart, Histogram, Boxplot, Heatmap

Table browser

Selector Panel
Below is the selection panel for tab: Table browser. It contain a selector where you can choose which entities will be displayed in the table and what format the table should have: long format or entities as columns.

Long format: In this format, the table only contains columns Name_ID, Key and Value.

Entities as columns: In this case entities are as columns.
Result also has a download button, by pressing this button, you can download the displayed table in the csv format.

Basic Stats

The Basic Statistics table calculates the min/max/average/median/standard deviation/standard error value of all occurrences of individual entities.
Selector Panel

Counts show for how many transcripts the specific categorical information is available
In this case it is also possible to download the table with basic statistics using the download button.

Scatter plot

Selector Panel
On each graph in the upper right corner there is Modebar. This is Plotly feature that contains buttons for download chart, zoom, scroll etc.

or with group by category


Selector Panel
The number of occurrences of values may be presented as a percentage or count.


It shows distribution of the data.
Selector Panel
The number of bins can also be changed, but must be more than 1.


It show distribution of the data and compare the distributions of numerical measurements between groups.
Selector Panel


It calculates the Pearson correlation between numeric data.
Selector Panel